Have You Found Your Soul Tie?

Did you know that you can have a soul tie with someone? That’s right, the person you’re currently typing away to in the dating chat can be someone you create a spiritual and physical bond with.

Have You Found Your Soul Tie?

What is a soul tie? 

Let’s start the conversation about soul ties by making sure we all understand the term’s meaning. The common definition of a soul tie is that it’s an intense spiritual connection between two people that is formed through all kinds of experiences, for example, a significant emotional event that you’ve gone through together. Soul ties are each other’s perfect matches, and they connect on energetic, physical, and emotional levels. 

Interestingly enough, a soul tie is not always a positive phenomenon. You can have a kind and loving soul tie that promotes emotional intimacy and enriches your mutual experience, but it can also be detrimental to your growth and development.

Soul ties are not exclusively reserved for romantic partners. You can also have a soul tie with a friend or a family member too. You’ll also see that the understanding of what a soul tie is differs across cultures and belief systems. You might be talking about slightly different concepts with people when discussing soul ties, so make sure you double-check that you’re on the same page in terms of the definition. 

Soul tie vs twin flame 

Many confuse soul ties and twin flames, but they’re actually not the same. 

According to the twin flame concept, the two people meeting are actually two parts of the same soul or consciousness. Because this soul was split into two parts, the twin flame couple is actually unfulfilled and incomplete until they meet each other. Once they unite, they enrich each other’s lives and collectively become this divine union that has a spiritual mission that they need to fulfill in their lifetime. 

It’s believed that there is only one person who can be your twin flame, whereas, with a soul tie, there can be many individuals throughout your life whom bond with. Also, people who form soul ties are both self-sufficient. They don’t need their “other half” to live a full life and have meaningful experiences and realizations. 

Soul tie vs soulmate 

Soul ties and soulmates both describe a union between two people that can be romantic or platonic, but it’s always profound. There are differences to them though. 

Unlike a soul tie, a soulmate is someone we connect with just because. A soulmate has similar values, beliefs, views of the world, etc, and they just get us. You don’t need to share profound experiences with someone for them to be your soulmate. 

In a nutshell, you need to have some shared experience to bond and have a soul tie, but with a soulmate, you have this connection by default from the moment you meet. 

Signs of a soul tie 

There are many symptoms of a soul tie that you can watch out for to know if you have it or not:

  • You feel secure and comfortable around them. 
  • They really get you and understand what you stand for and where you’re coming from. 
  • There’s no feeling like you need to hide your true feelings and just who you are in general. 
  • You don’t criticise each other normally, but when you do it’s not out of spite or judgment, but to help you become a better person. 
  • Every time you hang out, you get an energy boost and your mood improves too. 
  • You’re eager to express your feelings with all love languages because you can’t contain your emotions towards them. 

How to break a soul tie 

Sometimes having a soul tie with a particular person doesn’t sound like a good idea. What should you do then? Lucky for you, the Once team knows a few tricks on how to cut a soul tie you no longer care for.

  • Formulate an intention. The soul tie is, first of all, a spiritual concept, so in order to cleanse your body and soul from an unwanted soul tie, you’ll need to set an intention and visualize your life without the soul tie. 
  • Engage in meditation or prayer, whichever matches your personal beliefs and preferences, and send out the energetic request to dissolve the soul tie. Repeat it regularly for the best results. 
  • Arrange symbolic cleansing. Rituals play a huge role in our lives, whether we recognize them or not. Want to facilitate the soul tie removal? Perform a cleansing ritual, or better yet – a series of them. This can be you deep cleaning and decluttering the space you may have shared with your partner before. It’s also a good idea to cleanse your body fully, like an intense “everything” shower. If you’re up for it, you can go on a food cleanse too, but make sure to check with your doctor to avoid harming your digestive system. 
  • Come up with affirmations and repeat them daily. Along with meditating and praying, think of a couple of affirmations that you can speak aloud every morning to help weaken the soul tie and reclaim your personal autonomy from the ex-lover. 
  • Make sure you forgive that person if they’ve somehow wronged you. You’ll be doing it for yourself, and not for them. It’s very hard to break any bond, not just a soul tie when you’re still holding on to those negative emotions and grudges. Don’t let them poison your mind and keep you chained to someone. 
  • Create a physical distance between you two. Out of sight, out of mind! It’s not just a saying, you actually weaken your connection to the person by being far away, and that’s why so many couples don’t survive long-distance relationships. The less proximity you’re in from someone, the faster you’ll break the soul tie.  

As you go along the journey of breaking the soul tie, don’t forget to lead with kindness and compassion. You won’t be able to truly free yourself unless you have come to peace internally. That includes letting go of anger towards your former lover AND yourself. 

Tip: As you start putting yourself out there again, try slow dating. Allow more time to pass before you take the next steps with your dates. This will help you filter out people who seem like a good match but aren’t that in reality. You’ll be less likely to accidentally create a soul tie with someone who is wrong for you. 

Is period sex soul tie real?

Look, there is obviously no scientific proof that soul ties exist in general, and period sex soul ties specifically. Does it mean that they’re not real? Not necessarily. With these kinds of topics, it’s all about what you want to believe in. 

Have you had sex with someone while on period, and now you believe there is a special bond between you two? Great, by all means, this can be true if you feel it is. Then, if you’re skeptical of the idea, there’s nothing wrong with that either.

So, if you’re worried about having period sex because it can create a spiritual bond that you’re not ready for, there are two things you need to remember:

  1. You can believe it into existence. So if you don’t want to have a soul tie, stop telling yourself you will.
  2. If you’re too worried, consider skipping sex for the next few days and try sexting instead. Once your period is over – become sexually active again. 

Final thoughts on soul ties 

Soul ties are tricky. They’re great if they make you happier and more fulfilled, but they can also be somewhat dangerous if you start to develop excessive dependence on your partner or feel possessive about them. So as you’re navigating the world of dating online or in person, focus on mindful dating where you’re looking for someone truly compatible with you, and someone whose goals align with you. If you do that, you’re bound to find a person who will be your soul tie, a soulmate, or simply someone very special in your life.