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Signs You Lost a Good Woman – When a Man Realizes He Lost Her

Many relationships end, and when it happens, sometimes you don’t realize what a gem you had. Then reality hits and you understand how great your woman was, and what a shame it is not to have her by your side anymore. 

If you’re not quite at that point yet but wonder if maybe that’s your case, then keep on reading our guide on signs you lost a good woman, tips to get her back, recommendations for avoiding this situation altogether, and so much more. 

Why Men Lose a Good Woman

Losing a good woman is something many men regret and get upset over, yet oftentimes it’s their actions or lack thereof that make the woman run away. 

There is so much power in how you treat your partner, and it’s mostly up to the man in the relationship to determine the course of their romance with the things they say, things they do, and how they treat their woman on a daily basis. 

What Does It Mean to Lose a Good Woman?

When a man realizes he lost a good woman, it becomes clear to him how loving and supportive she was, and how little appreciation she got for it. Losing a woman feels like losing a vital part of yourself, like an arm or an organ. There is this emptiness and heaviness that a man feels as his life becomes duller without a woman. Lastly, one of the signs you lost a good woman is spending hours thinking back at all the talks you had, and all the missed opportunities for showing her how much she means to you. 

Common Reasons Men Lose a Great Woman

Oh boy, where do we begin? In relationships, there is so much room for error, and both men and women can do things that turn into a catalyst of separation.

When it comes to men, there are several particular reasons that come up more often than others. 

So if you’re wondering how do you lose a woman, check this list below and see if your behavior matches any of that. 

  1. Taking things for granted. Saying thank you and voicing how you appreciate her supporting you in a tough time, cooking a delicious meal, helping you with your projects, or taking care of the house is not that hard. Yet many quickly get used to things being like that and assume that this is how it should be by default in a relationship, even when they themselves never reciprocate. 
  2. Getting annoyed when a woman keeps asking you to do things. You know how women get the reputation of being naggers? Well, it’s definitely a product of patriarchy that wanting to be appreciated, respected, and thanked by women is twisted to be something negative. Her asking a man to unload a dishwasher every day and reminding him when he doesn’t do it is not a cause for annoyance at her, but a reason to sit back and reflect on why you feel entitled to having everything around you done and sorted without lifting a finger or doing this one chore every three months when she spends her time every day doing it. 
  3. Emotional immaturity and unavailability. Speaking of patriarchy, that is one big damage that it’s done to men – brainwashing them to believe that being in touch with your feelings and emotions and building deep bonds with others is not manly or necessary. It’s extremely tiring to date someone like that, especially for a long time, and that turns into a huge issue because how can you possibly build a serious relationship and a family with someone who blatantly refuses to let you in and connect with you emotionally properly? So many men brush emotional unavailability arguments off because they think it’s made up, silly, or just not true about them. Unfortunately, it is very much real and happens to so many males. 
  4. Not being supportive of her dreams and sabotaging her goals. The feeling of support is one of the main things everyone wants (sometimes on a subconscious level) from a partner. Your lover is, supposedly, the closest person who should be your champion. Unfortunately, some men will not take their women’s aspirations seriously and either be just uninterested, or worse, make fun of them, and the ultimate crime, – sabotage them through little things they do and passive-aggressive remarks they would make on a regular basis. 
  5. Breaking promises. There’s a psychological paradox where if you tell someone you’ll do something, you already feel like you’ve achieved it by simply voicing your intention. But when the time comes to act, especially when it’s something that requires effort or a change of habits, men will often back off and either pretend they never promised anything and gaslight their partner or postpone the promise to an undefined date. At one point it becomes unbearable and too disrespectful for the woman to tolerate. 
  6. Dishonesty. Breaking a promise is bad, but being dishonest is really terrible. Whether it’s lying about your past relationships, your financial habits, how you feel about the woman you’re with, affairs on the side, or anything else, – dishonesty is a betrayal and it feels horrible to be with a man who’s like that. Yet, many women stay for years before they pick up the courage to leave this toxic environment that messes with their mental health. 
  7. Prioritizing anything and everything over your partner. Your woman shouldn’t take your life over completely, but she should come first in most situations. Your job, however important, demanding, or prestigious you think it is, should never come before any personal relationship really. Your friends are a crucial part of your life, but hanging out with the boys when your lover clearly needs your help and support is not right. It’s definitely a balance game when you have your plate full, but the truth is that most women will gladly do their part and turn things around to prioritize their man, and it’s not that crazy to expect similar treatment. 
  8. Refusing to talk about or solve issues in the relationship. There’s no such thing as a perfect romance. Once the initial honeymoon phase is over, little unpleasantries start to pop up. Given that you guys are generally compatible, those issues can easily be mitigated, especially if they’re identified early on before they turn into a huge reason for a fight. However, if a man is refusing to acknowledge, discuss, and work on the issues, then they’re effectively telling their woman that the relationship and her comfort are not too important to him. 
  9. Being overly jealous and possessive. Although modern-day slavery is still alive and well, in romantic relationships a man doesn’t really own a woman, and outbreaks of jealousy and possessive behavior, especially when it’s excessive, are a huge turn-off. Sure, it can feel sexy for a hot second, but women quickly realize what kind of situation they’re really in. A situation where they have to say No to going out with friends or having to fight with their man every time they come home, a situation where they’re constantly walking on eggshells trying to avoid any jealousy that will ruin their day. Nobody wants to live like that forever, so women get up and leave. 

Last but not least, assuming she’ll always be there is a solid reason why women leave. Some women really are like that because they have an unhealthy attachment style, learned this behavior from past relationships, or have seen it growing up at home. 

The feelings of entitlement and audacity are what cause some men to act worse and worse, until they eventually break the final straw and have their women say “You know what, it’s not worth it”. 

Key Signs You Lost a Good Woman

You broke up, you’re feeling weird about it, and you’re not sure whether it’s for the best or not. Was your partner the one? Should you be crying over losing her or trying to get back together? Or maybe it’s okay and you should just move on?

Here are the key signs you lost a good woman. 

Emotional Signs She’s Gone for Good

  • She’s indifferent and no longer reacts to things you say or do with emotions. 
  • She has a much better time and feels happier when she’s not with you. 
  • She no longer cares about you and does the things for you that she used to do. 
  • You can’t remember the last time she initiated a proper conversation. 
  • She’s not trying to fix things or work on problems.

Behavioral Changes That Indicate She’s Moved On

  • She’s not trying to spend time together with you.
  • She starts going out more, books more classes and gym sessions and tries to be out of the house more. 
  • If you have mutual friends and social circles, you’ll see her distancing herself from them. 
  • You’re more of an acquaintance to her than a partner or someone significant. 

How She Acts Around You After Losing Interest

When a man loses a good woman, he’ll notice that she has no interest in him anymore which manifests in many ways, such as:

  1. Becoming distant and unresponsive 
  2. Prioritizing other people
  3. Not wanting to hang out or talk
  4. Being irritated by the man a lot 
  5. Being indifferent to what he says or does
  6. Not making eye contact 
  7. Not needing reassurance from him 
  8. Avoiding talks about the future

Can You Get Her Back? Steps to Fix the Damage

If you’re willing to get her back, start with realizing what the root cause issue was. If you were the cause of the separation, start working on the problem immediately. 

Don’t make grand promises and beg her to come back. Instead, tell her that you’re working on yourself and say that you’d love to try and fix things. 

Give her space to think it over, and continue working on yourself in the meantime. Words don’t mean much at this point, and it’s the action that will possibly change things around for you two. Also, please don’t think that it’s enough to pretend for a few weeks, and then go back to your old ways. She’ll leave you again, and this time for good-good. 

If you weren’t the cause of the breakup, then you should still reach out to her and ask if she’d be willing to work things out. Take it from there, and don’t push her if she says No. 

Where Can I Find a Good Woman? 

That’s a million-dollar question, isn’t it? Good women can be found anywhere, and even the spots that are traditionally looked down on, such as nightclubs, can be a perfect place for finding the right match. 

Here is a list of locations and events that tend to attract many women who are considered wife material.

  • Local community events 
  • Volunteering gigs
  • Classes and courses 
  • Hobby groups 
  • Outdoor activities
  • Coffee shops
  • Bookstores 
  • Museums and theatres 
  • Cultural events 
  • Faith-based clubs 

Characteristics of a Good Woman to Look For

The term “good woman” is subjective, but here are the core characteristics that most people would agree with: emotionally mature, loyal, kind, compassionate, independent, supportive, fun, and honest. 

Someone who’s good for you will also have shared values and life goals as you do. 

Best Places to Meet a High-Value Woman

We’ll start off by saying that any person holds value by default, but some people are a bit more fit for us romantically than others. Once you identify what a high-value woman means to you, it makes sense to look for her in places where her type hangs out. For example, you don’t go to Christian mingle for one-night stands, and you don’t go drunk to the club hoping to find a future wife who’s super domestic and stays away from an unhealthy lifestyle.

If you’re looking for a mindful relationship, you can find a dating platform that caters to this demographic. You can also go to cultural events, volunteer, upscale social gatherings, and educational courses. 
