Signs She’s Losing Interest and What to Do Next
Romantic relationships are delicate matters, and the way we feel and act towards each other fluctuates as time goes by and our feelings evolve.
Spotting a difference in how your partner behaves around you and expresses their emotions can be unsettling, especially if the change seems to be for the worse. Maybe it’s them being less enthusiastic about sharing their plans and goals, sending you fewer texts, or choosing to go out with friends over meeting you.
Whatever it is, it’s possible that those are the signs that she doesn't like you anymore, but it’s also possible that it’s actually something else, something that has nothing to do with you.
Before jumping the gun and confronting your partner, check our guide on how to tell if your girlfriend is losing feelings and what to do if you suspect she is.
Why Do Women Lose Interest in a Relationship?
Humans aren’t robots, and we can’t be programmed to have certain feelings once and for all. In romantic relationships, both men and women can have a change of heart and end up not in love or not interested anymore.
Before we talk about signs your girlfriend is losing interest and what to do about it, we need to understand why this happens at all.
Common Reasons She’s Losing Interest
Every woman has her own reasons to cool down about someone, yet there are many common ones that can lead to a loss of romantic interest towards a boyfriend or a husband.
- The routine got to her. Routine has killed many relationships. When things become repetitive, boring, and predictable, one of the lovers is bound to eventually lose all interest in the romance. It doesn’t happen overnight, but as weeks and months go by, and nobody makes any effort to bring the spark back, this inevitably leads to the GF growing tired of the same old thing.
- The emotional connection isn’t there. Besides routine, the lack of being emotionally synched is another powerful relationship destroyer. Many men are not in touch with their feelings at all and showcase a lot of emotional unavailability. Women, for the most part, are eager to establish a strong bond with their partner from the start, but when it doesn’t happen after they’ve tried again and again, they eventually give up and grow distant themselves.
- She’s feeling undervalued. If your girlfriend is taking good care of you, comes up with all sorts of ideas and plans for the two of you, and handles the majority of the mental load and household chores on top of that, she sure deserves to be praised, complemented and thanked for it. If that doesn’t happen, and if the man takes it all for granted with little to no appreciation, you guessed it, – the woman becomes frustrated and mentally withdraws from such a parasitic relationship. And who can blame her? Not us!
- Communication is unbalanced and overall poor. Being able to talk to one another, discuss the good and the bad, deal with complicated issues, and handle it all like mature adults is the cornerstone of a successful relationship. If the couple struggles to do all that, especially when the other partner is not showing signs of effort or acknowledgement of something not going well, the woman tends to close off.
- Sexual attraction went down and there’s nothing else much. Some couples get together and don’t realize that the primary attraction they feel towards each other is sexual. Once the sex becomes a part of the routine and arousal is not as strong, everything else starts to fall apart too. Women want men who are intelligent, and supportive, and can be equal partners in life and in conversations. If the only thing they get from them is sex (sometimes rather mediocre), then there’s little reason left to be engaged and active in the relationship.
- Unresolved issues. If your relationship has ongoing conflicts and fights that seem to be stagnant and go nowhere, then the signs she lost interest you’re spotting most likely have to do with that. Fighting about the same stuff over and over again is mentally draining and physically tiring. At some point, a woman sits down and thinks to herself: “Why do I even bother?”.
- Having different life goals. When people’s future goals and plans don’t align, it’s inevitable that one of them starts to lose interest. It can even happen without the woman realizing that she is, in fact, losing interest. Subconsciously we always know what’s better for us, but it often takes time for the heart and the brain to catch up and align. When the priorities don’t match, there’s not much reason to invest in the relationship. It will end eventually, so why bother?
- Her needs aren’t met. Both men and women have relationship needs that include intellectual, emotional, and physical. When a woman struggles to have her needs met, she feels unhappy and unfulfilled. If it happens for long enough, she’s guaranteed to rethink her take on the current love story.
Either of the issues we highlighted above can trigger the fading of your romance.
At some point, the woman decides that it makes no sense to talk, ask, or bring up something because she knows how it’s going to play out. As a result, she checks out mentally and starts to drift away from her used-to-be-everything lover.
She’s into someone else
It’s possible that the woman will start to lose interest in her current romance because she’s into someone else.
Many men wrongly assume that this is the number one reason why their relationship doesn’t work out, but it’s far from the truth for the majority of women.
When a woman is happy in her union, she rarely looks at other men and seeks pleasure in being with someone other than her boyfriend. Interest in other men is a symptom of a bigger, and more complex issue.
There’s been a number of studies, research, and questionnaires that showed that men leave relationships mostly when someone new lines up. Therefore, it’s normal for them to assume that the same applies to women as well.
Yet, women are happy to leave their partner for nobody else but peace. If a relationship has struggles that are hard or impossible to resolve, a woman will get fed up with it either way and leave at some point. It’s important to realize that and not to think that she’ll be around forever even if she’s unhappy if you hide her from other men.
Key Signs She’s Losing Interest in You
Whenever you’re wondering how to tell if a girl is losing interest in you, watch out for the following signs.
- She’s not talking to you as much as she used to, and she’s not actively seeking to share news, ask for guidance, or vent to you.
- She’s not enthusiastic about the relationship overall, including discussing future plans, going out together, or doing something around the house to cozy it up.
- There’s no physical intimacy between you two, and if you have sex – it’s usually robotic and feels like a chore to her more than pleasure.
- She’s becoming more irritated and annoyed with you even if your behavior hasn’t changed or maybe even improved (i.e., you stopped doing things she hated or demonstrated yourself better in some aspects, such as doing the chores).
- Most of her time is now spent outside of the house with someone else or alone, just not with you. This can manifest in her making more plans with friends, signing up for classes, or going to the gym more. It can also come in the form of canceling plans with you and backing out of previously agreed arrangements.
- Her deep thoughts and feelings are a mystery to you now as she actively avoids letting you in her soul.
- She’s flirty with others and expresses interest in other men or women.
Tip: Trust your gut feeling.
Human intuition is a powerful thing that shouldn’t be disregarded. If you feel that something’s off, it probably is. You might not guess the root cause, but your gut will most likely be right about it. You spend so much time with your partner that it’s natural to get a sixth sense of your relationship.
Social & Digital Red Flags
The internet is a huge part of everyone’s life these days, and often you can spot the signs she's not into you anymore in the digital world first before you notice something in real life.
- She’s not replying for hours even though you can see she’s online.
- Whenever she does reply, it’s usually a few words and she’s clearly not interested in continuing the conversation.
- She’d rather chat with you than have a call or FaceTime.
- If you post stuff online, she rarely views it or engages with it through likes, comments, or shares.
- She’s actively liking and commenting accounts of other men and women, often in flirty ways.
These are the main signs your girlfriend is losing interest through text and social media.
There may be other signs, but the ones we listed above are the most widespread ones. If you notice them, watch your partner to see if it really is so, or maybe she was just tired or busy, so you were getting less attention from her.
In any case, if you notice those signs, don’t panic. There’s always a chance for an alternative explanation for her behavior.
She’s Unfollowed You
Something must be seriously wrong in your relationship for her to unfollow your social media accounts without giving you a heads-up.
If a woman you’re dating stops posting you, removes the photos and videos you tagged her on, and goes as far as to unfollow you, there is definitely something wrong and she’s probably lost the majority of interest by now.
How to Respond When You Notice These Signs
Now that we’ve talked about the signs a girl doesn't like you anymore, let’s talk about the next steps.
- Don’t panic. Romantic relationships go through natural phases, and perhaps you’re experiencing a little downfall in affection that will go back to normal soon.
- Watch her to confirm your suspicions. If you get some signs she's losing interest but you’re not confident it’s true yet, take some time to watch if those signs are repeated. Maybe it was just a one-off thing, and you shouldn’t worry.
- Talk to her about it. Open and honest communication is always a good idea. Let her know how you feel, share your worries and concerns, and ask how she’s doing and whether there’s something she’d like to discuss.
- Take her concerns, needs, and feedback seriously. If she shares something with you, don’t just brush it off, work on this thing to make her feel appreciated.
- Put in the effort. Plan romantic dates, surprise her, and tell her you love and appreciate her more.
- Work on yourself. There’s probably something she asked you to change or work on that you’ve been ignoring. Now is the best time to get cracking with self-improvement.
Don’t Suffocate Her
If your partner is showing signs she's losing interest, the last thing you should do is drown her in your attention and overwhelm her with your presence. It will only make things worse.
Instead, give her time, be respectful of her wishes, and navigate your relationship carefully. It’s a fine line between being an attentive and present boyfriend and a nagging and clingy mess who she’ll want to run away from.
When It’s Time to Move On
There are times when the relationship is worth fighting for and there are times when it makes more sense to admit it’s over and move on.
How to know what time is it for you?
- She avoids all communication.
- She tells you she wants to end things.
- You’re the only one putting in the effort.
- She’s not intimate with you physically or emotionally.
- She’s actively going after other men.
If you feel unwanted, unappreciated, and uncared for, there is little sense to try and change things around. After all, you deserve to be loved and cared for, and you should be with someone who is ready to provide that.
Once your current relationship is officially over, give yourself some time to sit back and reflect, focus on yourself, and, when you’re ready, sign up with a conscious dating app and find someone special to build a new loving relationship with.