Fantastic Erogenous Zones and Where to Find Them
POV: you’re getting nakey-nakey with someone, you’re both aroused and can’t wait to get into action. Your horny hands are reaching for.. What? Penis? Vagina? How incredibly boring!
In today’s article, we will look at the main erogenous zones out there, identify the lesser-known hidden gems of the erogenous zones’ world, and uncover the best ways to look for new sensual points with your partner and why you should definitely go for them.
What are erogenous zones?
Erogenous zones are parts or points on the body that turn you on sexually and bring pleasure if stimulated. Both men and women have erogenous zones, but each person has their own zones that make them more horny than others.
Erogenous zones in men and women
Female and male anatomy is different, but there are many intersections.
- Neck
- Ears
- Mouth
- Lips
- Nipples
- Anus
Erogenous zones specific to men:
- Penis
- Testicles
- Prostate
Erogenous zones specific to women:
- Vagina
- Clit
- G-spot
Each of those erogenous zones is well-known and used by people around the world to bring pleasure to themselves and those next to them. You’ve probably used most of them if you’ve been sexually active for a while in your life.
Mix and match for the best results!
Lesser known erogenous zones
They say there are 7 main erogenous zones, but there are many more out there than we’re used to believe. And some of these less obvious zones are quite surprising.
- Small of the back: We know, it’s a pretty surprising area to be sexually stimulating, but it works for many people.
- Inner wrist: Can be very sensual when it’s kissed gently, especially paired with stimulating another part of your body at the same time.
- Behind the knees: Can be incredibly tickling too, especially if you’re only starting to go out with your partner and it’s one of your first sexual dates. However, it can add a lot of pleasure if you overcome the initial tickling feeling.
- Armpits: Those are a source of stress and discomfort, but can also be a pretty erogenous zone.
- Feet: There are many foot fetishists out there looking to snap a pic and indulge in images and videos of someone’s feet and toes, and they’re onto something! Feet are hot and they’re sexy, don’t disregard them in your foreplay or the main act.
- Scalp: Remember how good scalp massages feel at the hairdressers’? Well, you should try this at home too! Run fingers through your partner’s hair and give them a massage to turn them on.
Why bother exploring new erogenous zones?
You may think – well, I know my genitals are hella erogenous. Why should I go through all the trouble of finding new ones when the tried and tested ones do the charm? And there is some truth to that. If something works well for you, it makes sense to do it again and again.
However, when it comes to sex, especially sex in a relationship that’s monogamous and long-term, we all seem to repeat the same set of actions again and again. It’s only a matter of time until that becomes kind of.. well, boring. Not every sex has to be your best sex, but surely you’ll agree that keeping your sex life exciting and fresh is good.
Not only do you get to feel more alive, have more fun, and experience stronger sensations, but you strengthen your emotional intimacy as a couple. Contrary to popular belief, the bond you build with your lover through sex is not shallow. In fact, that’s one of the unique ways to spend time together as a couple that you can’t replicate with other relationships, and we should all cherish that.
A great way to maintain strong physical intimacy that translates into an emotional bond is through experimenting and trying new things together. And what better experiment than exploring each other’s erogenous zones and bringing each other pleasure?
Another reason to turn yourself into each other’s body explorers is to have better sex in general. Sometimes couples have lukewarm intercourses and come to a conclusion that their sexual compatibility is low when in fact they haven’t tried hard enough, including experimenting with erogenous zones, positions, toys, and locations.
In fact, at Once we know many people who struggled to tune for each other sexually at first only to turn things around and become each other’s perfect matches in the bedroom once they’ve started trying new things. Mindful dating is not only about conversations, relationship boundaries, etc, but it’s also about becoming better sexual partners and listening to one’s own sexual needs.
Last but not least, different erogenous zones will give you different orgasms and sensations in general. Oral and vaginal or anal sex feel different, right? Same with erogenous zones. It’s not just one big pleasant feeling that we get no matter where we touch ourselves. By working with many erogenous zones you will enrich your experience and most likely have more excitement and climaxes than you would otherwise.
How to look for new erogenous zones with your partner
For starters, you don’t need another person to explore your body. You’re perfectly capable of pleasuring yourself in new ways in solo sessions. Masturbation doesn’t have to be boring or stuck in the same scenario!
However, if you have a partner or are looking to find one, here is what you can do to get them to explore unconventional erogenous zones together.
There’s nothing quite like having a raw and honest conversation about your sexual desires and fantasies. If you’re in a relationship, sit down with your lover and tell them that you’d love to experiment. Normally the other person wouldn’t mind and would, in turn, be excited to try. Unless, of course, the way you communicate your preferences implies that they’re lacking in the bedroom.
Mention it in the dating chat
If you’re dating online, chatting to people, and feeling racy, feel free to start this conversation, even if you haven’t met yet. That’s not the best strategy if you’re looking at slow dating and/or a committed relationship, but perfect for casual unions and hookups. Indicate right off the bat that you’re looking for fun and don’t mind experiments. That way the other person will instantly know that you’re open to new ideas and practices, and they’ll feel more adventurous from the start.
Pay attention to their reactions
As you start exploring each other’s bodies, watch out for verbal and non-verbal cues that your partner gives. Look for positive reactions, such as gasps, smiles, and sensual moans, and stop if you feel tension or hear disapproving groans. It’s possible that someone might not fully enjoy what’s going on but be too shy to tell you out of fear of disappointing you. And the opposite can be true as well – they’ll really like what you’re doing but would be too carried away to communicate their feelings. So if you want to maximize the pleasure, be mindful of the signals that your body and the body of your lover send.
Toys are not just for kids
We’re big proponents of using adult toys in sex. They’re fun, they’re exciting, and they’re great helpers in maximizing the pleasure for both of you.
Many types of stimulation
When it comes to erogenous zones, you can and should use all the means of stimulation available to you. Be its hands and fingers, your mouth and tongue, genitals, sex toys, other tools, such as feathers, and even your breath that can be very sexy if used strategically. The more the merrier!
Be patient
It’s understandable that you’d want to get it right from the start and have the best experience immediately. But sex is not a race, right? Especially when it comes to experimenting. It’s the experience that matters, not the end result, although finding new passion points is pretty great too. Take your time, and allow things to progress slowly but steadily. Soak up all the emotions and feelings that you have and savor them.
Check-in regularly
Getting explicit consent before starting explorations is essential. However, it’s also important to check in with the person at least once during the action. We can’t fully know what we’re getting ourselves into until it’s too late, and anyone can change their mind. If you ask and the partner is indeed not happy about the direction your time together is taking, be open-minded and adjust your course of action. Take a pause if needed to ensure everyone’s comfort.