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Very Demure, Very Mindful Dating: What Does it Look Like?

The demure trend took the world by storm with virtually everyone joining the very cutesy, very mindful, very demure party.

Very Demure, Very Mindful Dating: What Does it Look Like? 

The demure trend took the world by storm with virtually everyone joining the very cutesy, very mindful, very demure party.

Considering Once is the most mindful dating app out there, we couldn’t possibly pass on this phenomenon. 

Today we’ll find out what demure really means, where it came from, and how to be more demure and mindful in dating. 

What is demure?

The definition of the word demure is simple. It describes someone or something that is considered modest, reserved, classy, and quite serious. It is the opposite of someone who is loud and obnoxious. 

The origin of the demure trend

Why is everyone obsessed with the word demure all of a sudden? 

For that, we should thank TikTok creator Jools Lebron who made a viral video sharing tips about makeup in a corporate setting. The sound quickly blew up, thousands of references were made, and the rest is history. 

How can you be demure in dating?

We always promote and encourage being yourself in relationships, but if you feel like you could use extra demureness in dating, here are the tips to get you there. 

  • Aim to have more quality time in your relationships. Being together but having your faces glued to your phones is not demure, and it’s not cute. Start with deep talks that will help you understand each other better. 
  • Work on developing emotional intimacy, even if you’re casual for now. An emotional bond will make your romance better, regardless of your relationship goals. You’ll feel more comfortable and relaxed around one another, making you more laid back and demure. 
  • Avoid cheating and other toxicity, such as gaslighting. Abusing and hurting your partner is not demure, not mindful, and by no means cutesy. 
  • If you’re dating online, don’t be weird in the dating chat. Try to learn more about the person and estimate their chances of being your perfect match before asking them out, whether for a date or a hookup. Also, don’t send them nudes right away, especially if it’s unsolicited. 
  • Don’t be in a rush to fly through all relationship stages. Give you both grace and allow time before you suggest moving in together, meeting parents, or getting engaged. Slow dating is very demure. 
  • Learn to love yourself. Self-acceptance is very in line with mindful and demure dating. You are wonderful, and negative self-talk or belittling yourself to make your partner more comfortable with themselves is not it. 
  • Keep things to yourself. Another demure dating trick is to do a soft launch of your relationship instead of posting them all over your social media and telling anyone with ears about your latest crush. 
  • Be considerate of your partner when making plans and thinking through large life decisions. Upsetting your lover by excluding them from your future life is the opposite of demure. 
  • Be an equal partner. If you’re in a committed relationship, be a partner, not a child. Share chores and mental load, be proactive in supporting them through tough times, and share the burden. 

We hope these tips will help you live your demure dating paradise. In general, when you’re about to do or say something, it helps to ask yourself whether you’d be happy or upset if someone did or said this to you. If you think that your actions will hurt your partner – don’t do it. Be demure and considerate, and be mindful of their feelings and well-being. 

Should you try to be more demure and mindful in your relationships?

Mindful dating is amazing, and being slightly more demure in certain situations is great for managing conflicts, talking about relationship boundaries, communicating your needs and wants, etc. 

This internet trend promotes being a better person by watching out for how your actions affect the surroundings and people in your life. This is widely applicable in different situations, and relationships are no exception. 

If you ask for our opinion, we could all use a little bit of that demure magic every once in a while. Just make sure that you’re not staying cutesy and considerate when other people are not being mindful or respectful at all. 
