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How to Compliment a Guy – Best Ways to Make Him Feel Appreciated

Conversations about compliments usually center around women and the things you can say to make them feel good, valued, and inspired. 

Men get very little attention in that department proportionally, yet they’re the ones who could benefit from a few good compliments the most. That’s why today we’d like to shift the paradigm and inspire more ladies to compliment their boyfriends, crushes, and male friends. 

Keep on reading to find out how to praise a guy and make his day, and learn about the different ways to compliment a guy to be flirty and friendly, and tips to avoid common mistakes. 

Why Compliments Matter for Men

If you look at societies around the world, you’ll find that men are pretty much universally believed to be those strong stoics who don’t cry or show any emotion, and who don't care for vanity and things such as compliments.

At the same time, we have the so-called male loneliness epidemic and the suicide rates among men are continuously on the rise. While those things aren’t directly related to compliments, there is some correlation. 

When you say something nice to another person, including men, you make them feel good. Hearing compliments boosts our self-esteem and makes us feel seen and validated. A few kind words can turn someone’s day around completely. 

Men are less prone to hearing compliments which makes the impact even stronger. 

Also, if you want to build rapport and an emotional connection with a guy, a sincere compliment is a wonderful way of getting closer to your goal. It won’t make them instantly fall in love with you, but they will be more inclined to open up and show their vulnerable side. 

The Psychology Behind Compliments for Men

Compliments activate our brains’ reward centers which, in turn, release dopamine and make us feel happier and more at peace. Men who receive regular compliments are less stressed and overwhelmed, and they are able to deal with whatever the day throws at them better. 

Compliments are able to break barriers between two people and foster open communication. They also reinforce positive behaviors and make social bonds stronger. 

Best Compliments for a Man – From Sweet to Flirty

Now that we know how big of a deal compliments for men are, let’s look at some examples. 

Classic Compliments That Every Man Loves

Classic compliments may seem cliche to some, but they’re classic for a reason. Respectful and tactful, tried and tested by the time and millions of people around the world, those compliments for men just work. 

  • I love it when you’re smiling like that
  • Every time I look at you my mood gets better
  • You’re so determined, it’s very inspiring
  • You handled that situation really well 
  • You always know what to say
  • I love your sense of humor 
  • You make me feel safe
  • You have a great perspective on things 

Romantic Compliments for Your Man

There are also special kinds of romantic compliments that will make a man feel special and also help make your relationship stronger. 

  • When I’m by your side, there’s no place I’d rather be 
  • Your kindness is so attractive 
  • Every time we’re together, I feel so inspired and happy 
  • You always know how to cheer me up 
  • Every day I can’t wait for the moment I see you

Flirty Compliments for Him – Make Him Blush

Not all compliments have to be super heartfelt and serious. Some of them are great for flirting and a bit of cheekiness.

  • Is it hot in here, or am I standing too close to you?
  • How are you always so charming, regardless of what you say or do?
  • I wish someone taught me how to act when I’m with a handsome guy like you.
  • Gosh, I honestly try to focus on what you’re saying, but your beauty distracts me. 
  • I love how you smell. Is that perfume or your natural odor? 
  • Do you realize that you turn everyone’s heads when you enter the room? 

Use those flirty compliments for him or come up with your own variations. Just don’t forget to add some cheeky attitude to your words or the compliment will not lend well. 

How to Praise a Guy Based on His Personality

The best compliments for a man don’t have to be focused on his beauty. Men have personalities too, you know, and some of them like when it’s being pointed out. 

Overall, it is nice when someone notices not just your facial features, body, or fashion styles, but also who you are as people, your character traits, thoughts, and beliefs. 

Here are some ideas of compliments for men based on their personalities.

Compliments for someone with charisma and confidence:

  • Did anyone tell you that you have a unique energy? 
  • The room literally lights up when you walk in.
  • Your confidence is so attractive! You’re calm about it and not at all cocky, I love it.

Compliments for your man if he’s kind and supportive:

  • You always make me feel comfortable and safe. 
  • Kindness is definitely your strongest trait.
  • The world has hope as long as you’re alive. 
  • How do you always know the right words to say to support someone?
  • I love how you always see the good in people. 

Best compliments for a man with ambition:

  • I always feel inspired when I’m with you. 
  • It’s fascinating to see you create a goal and work towards it. 
  • You’re one of the hardest-working people I know. 
  • It feels like there’s nothing you can’t do. 

How to compliment a guy who is funny and playful:

  • You can make me laugh, no matter how I feel. 
  • Were you always this funny? You’re hilarious! 
  • I bet everyone loves having you around. 
  • I wish I could joke so well and spontaneously like you. 

Ways to Compliment a Guy’s Achievements

Don’t you love it when you work hard on something, and then other people point out your achievements and tell you that you’re doing well? 

Men like those things too! That’s why if you’d like to add something to the range of compliments for men that you usually say, focusing on their achievements is a good strategy. 

  1. Personal milestones. Something the man achieved in his personal life is worthy of a celebration, no matter how big or small it is. For example, you can point out that you’ve always believed they would get to this point, and share how watching them grow is both inspiring and makes you proud. It’s also a good idea to reassure them that they deserve all that and more. 
  2. Professional success. Our work progress often goes unnoticed, especially if it’s not awarded with a pay rise or promotion. If your man got either of those or if he, perhaps, finished a complex project or finally resolved this weird situation between them and another colleague, it deserves a compliment.
  3. Hard work. It’s healthy to compliment not only achievements but the way someone handles themselves along the way. Just because your man hasn’t gotten to the end goal with his objective yet doesn’t mean you can’t compliment them along the way and make him feel inspired. For example, if he’s working hard on a task, project, or business, highlight how proud you are. Tell him that his persistence pays off and he’s deserving of success. Tell him that the way he never gives up until the job is done is an inspiration and a sign of true strength. 
  4. Skills and talents. If your man is gifted at something, make sure he knows you’re proud of him. Also, you can point out that his talents and skills are something many wish they had, and encourage him to work on them more. 

Overall, it’s great if you genuinely feel excited and support him, and you’re able to communicate those feelings. No matter how hard or easy something is for men, they’re naturally always happy to hear words of affirmation. Especially when it has to do with achievements, as we all suffer from imposter syndrome sometimes. 

Fun & Playful Compliments to Keep Things Interesting

Enough of serious topics, let’s go back to funsies and talk about great compliments for men that are also fun and playful. 

Let’s start strong with funny and borderline cringe compliments. 

  • Are your parents bakers? Then how did they manage to create such a sweet bun like yourself?
  • If you were a vegetable, you’d definitely be a cute-cumber!
  • You’re too handsome to ever want to look at anything else.
  • Gosh dating you must be tiring! All those women and men I’ll have to fight off 24/7.

If you want to take it up a notch, dive into sexy compliments that will create a playful mood and turn him on.

  • Please don’t talk. Every time I hear your voice I get chills.
  • Do you have any idea how irresistible you are?
  • Get me the first aid kit, my heart is racing because you’re so close to me. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Complimenting a Guy

Not every man will admit it, but all of them thrive when they get continuous compliments and words of affirmation. And who doesn’t, right? However, not every compliment is a good compliment, and there are common mistakes that you should watch out for. 

  1. Overused compliments should be something you stay clear of unless you’re making a deliberate joke out of them. 
  2. Overdoing it is also a mistake as it makes everything you say insincere. 
  3. Too generic compliments aren’t necessarily a mistake but they’re just boring and won’t impress anyone. 
  4. Focusing on the looks too much is not a good call either. The guy may think he has nothing else to offer. 
  5. Poor timing will ruin even the best compliment as it will be out of place. 
  6. Making the compliment about you is a bad call, focus on him instead. 

Lastly, make sure your compliments are sincere. Passive-aggressiveness or sounding sarcastic will not help you win him over. Plus, why would you give compliments like that anyway?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you compliment a guy over text?

Texts are great but it’s easy to misinterpret what someone is trying to say. That’s why you should keep your text compliments short, specific, and clear. Leave the elaborate multilayered compliments for a face-to-face meeting.

What compliments do guys love the most?

Every guy is different but you’ll find that most of them like when you compliment their personality, physique, intelligence, and humor. 

When is the right time to give a compliment?

Time and place play a big role in complimenting someone. Make sure they have your attention and there are not too many people around you. Also, save your compliment for later if you see that they’re super busy. In terms of how early you can compliment someone, it’s really up to you. If you sign up with a mindful dating app where people are looking for genuine relationships, then you can say nice things to them as soon as you feel like it. 
